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Small Scale Berry Production at Pitspone Farm

08/15/2017 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET


  • $25.00  -  Member Price
  • $30.00  -  Non-Member Price


Pitspone Farm
39 Eastern Drive
Kendall Park, NJ
United States of America


Profitable, specialty berry production on small acreage.


This talk will focus on giving attendees a general understanding of how to grow an assortment of berries on a small acreage. Pitspone Farm, a small (1/3 acre) suburban farm will be used as an example for much of the practical information, which will cover setting up a suburban farm, growing the plants, markets and pricing. Berries covered will include raspberries, blackberries, aronia, haskap, gooseberry, red currant, elderberry and jostaberry.

Michael Brown has been growing berries commercially in his own backyard since 2006, and now has a thriving business supplying berries, small fruits, and their nursery plants to customers in New Jersey and beyond on just 1/3 acre. As a strong supporter of small landholders developing viable businesses in the plants, food, and value-added sectors, Michael is offering this workshop to share his model. The workshop will start with an overview of what Michael grows and how to choose the optimal variety of berries for New Jersey. The bulk of the workshop will focus on business models and marketing strategies for the small grower.

The workshop will be held at Pitspone Farm. Streetside parking is available.

Learn more about Michael and his farm at http://www.pitsponefarm.com/

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